Magic in your Mailbox

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As an adult, visiting the mailbox rarely comes with the joy of a handwritten note.  Adulthood post retrieving is dampened by junk and bills.  

Isn’t receiving a handwritten letter THE BEST?

By some invisible magic (the wizards at the postal service), your letter whisked away. 

Your words held in the hands of another.

Then a response penned and posted back to you.  

The anticipation when your hand reaches for the latch on the mailbox.

The rush when you see familiar handwriting sprawling across the envelope.  Your heart skips as your fingers peel open the letter. Your heart warms as the pen pal connection spans across the miles - for you know - the person on the other end feels the same.  

Pen to paper. Pour your heart on the page.  

Does this sound like a way you want to connect?

Become an Old Fashioned Soul Friend.  Give and receive Magic in your Mailbox.