Boundaries and Protection by Pixie Lighthorse

Boundaries and Protection by Pixie Lighthorse


Boundaries & Protection includes an introduction to boundaries, glossary of terms, a section on how to use the book, 52 one-page “chapters” of support for your body, mind, and energy, a section of language prompts (this is the most talked about part of the book and helps for those who simply don’t know what to say in a conflict), and an afterword. I hope you find it to be a little superhero in your pocket that strengthens you for your adventures through relationships of all kinds. It’s goal is to help you become strong to stay in the conversation so that you are not shrinking back and shutting down in difficult situations. In addition to aiding the individual with tricky relational mishaps, B&P is used in a wide array of clinical, recovery, and healing settings. The language is simple and to the point, easy to put into practice, and helpful for adults, teens, and folks who don’t always have the right thing to do or say ready in their hip pockets. This book has been very well-received— in homes, offices, healing rooms, crisis centers, prisons, universities and more.

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